3 mins read

Basal Temperature As Sign of Pregnancy

Charting your basal body temperature gives you valuable insight and information about your menstrual cycle. Simply taking your temperature every morning tells you when you have ovulated, shows where you may have fertility problems and can even tell you that you are pregnant. However, using your basal body temperature as a sign of pregnancy is easier if you have been charting it for several months. Reading and interpreting your basal temperature chart takes practice. Once you become adept at understanding your temperature cycle and chart as well as determining your exact day of ovulation, then when your chart does start to show a pregnancy, it will probably stand out.

4 mins read

Is It A Cold Or Allergies?

“Tissue mommy! I need a tissue!!” Your child comes running at you, with double-barreled boogies from both nostrils. Ugh. It’s definitely that time of the year! But, come late winter/early spring, it can be tough to know if it’s due to a cold, or allergies. Which is why I’m always being asked by moms around…