2 mins read

Is Walking Healthy During Pregnancy?

Being pregnant can bring with it many questions and concerns. What foods should I eat? What foods should I avoid? How much should I eat? Can I exercise? Although the answers to these questions may not be cut and dried, the question of whether walking is healthy during pregnancy is as clear as the two lines on your pregnancy test.

3 mins read

Types of Birth Control Pills Available

When birth control pills (or the Pill) were first made available to women in 1960, it was a liberating breakthrough. For the first time, women had a way to directly control reproduction. What they couldn’t control were the significant side effects associated with birth control pills, which until the 1980s were produced as a one-dose, one-hormone-fits all medication. Today however there are a number of different types of birth control pills available, with different hormones in differing levels, giving women a number of options to minimize side effects and maximize reproductive control.

2 mins read

The Health Benefits of Yoga

Historically, much of the research that has been done on the health benefits of yoga has been conducted in India. Only in the last several decades, as interest in yoga practice swept the nation, have American researchers begun to examine the topic in replicable scientific studies.

4 mins read

Dangers of Soy Infant Formula

The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that about 25 percent of infants in the U.S. receive soy formula in their diets. While many parents believe that soy formula is healthier than formulas with cow’s protein, pediatricians say that few babies actually have medical conditions, which warrant a need for soy formula. Before making the choice to start your baby on a soy formula, both you and your infant’s pediatrician should examine all the alternatives. Then carefully weigh the possible benefits of each against any potential adverse side effects on your baby’s health.

4 mins read

Home Office Organization & Cleaning Tips

If your home office is not organized, then you may be working in clutter and chaos. With a commitment to change the space, invite the kids to help or warn them about the forthcoming flurry of activity. They should know that Mom is ready to tackle the piles of papers, files and books in the home office. You can also organize shared office space, although that needs to be a team effort between spouses. What you think is junk may be your spouse’s sketch for an invention. Whether you are alone or with members of your family, just start and you can transform your home office.