2 mins read

How to Determine the Sex of Your Baby

Professionals and stay-at-home moms alike have tried many methods for generations to determine the sex of their unborn children. Using wedding rings as pendulums, checking out Chinese lunar calendars, experiments with drain cleaner and other liquids, fortune tellers and a few more have been old wives’ tales for centuries. But while sometimes expectant moms and dads make a lucky guess, the truth is that only a qualified doctor can accurately determine the sex of an unborn child.

3 mins read

Swine Flu & Hand Sanitizer

Although the term “swine flu” may be a misnomer–swine flu is not from pigs–nobody wants to get this flu. Symptoms are fever, sore throat, cough, stuffy or runny nose, headaches, body aches, fatigue and chills. More accurately renamed H1N1, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared this virus a pandemic in June 2009. When new viruses become pandemics, the possibility exists that the virus will circulate in the future, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

4 mins read

About Home Laser Hair Removal Kits

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration made women cheer when it approved two laser hair removal devices for at-home use in 2008. Considerably less expensive than professional laser hair removal treatments, this one-time purchase can be used in the privacy of your own bathroom, on your own schedule. However, home laser hair removal has its limitations–and the devices cleared by the FDA might not be effective for all women.

3 mins read

What Are the Causes of Hair Loss in Young Men?

Some things are just a fact of life and a sign that we are getting older. In addition to bags under the eyes, worry lines and uncomfortable aches and pains, people often consider hair loss as a sign of aging. Unfortunately, many young men may also experience thinning hair long before they ever expected to. If your man seems to be losing his hair at an early age, you may wonder what could be causing this condition. The first step in treating early hair loss involves getting to the root of the matter by determining the cause.

5 mins read

Best Careers for Single Moms

Single moms usually need jobs that offer some degree of flexibility along with being able to earn enough income to support their families. While some industries suit the needs of a single parent better than others, the tradeoff for more flexible working hours is often accepting a lower salary. Fortunately, there are professions such as working in real estate, sales, public relations, education or health care, which allow a mom going it alone to be available for her children and earn a decent living besides.