3 mins read

How to Find Ancestors’ Marriage Records in the US

You’ve started your family tree, only now you’ve been bitten by the genealogy bug, which is seldom curable and almost always contagious. Genealogy can seem like a time tunnel into the past. Sooner or later, you’re going to want to document the information you’ve gathered, such as birth, death and marriage records. Birth and death records are usually found in each state’s archives, but finding marriage records for your ancestors in the U.S. is a whole different game.

3 mins read

Internet Education for Kids

The Internet is an incredible tool for learning and communication, but just as in real life, there are places children shouldn’t go and things they shouldn’t see. While many schools are now teaching students how to be safe on the Internet, it is a parent’s job to be certain his child has been well-educated on Internet safety and use.

3 mins read

Things Teens to Do on Summer Vacation

Teens look forward to summer vacation, yet one week into it, they’ll declare that their life is boring. Plan ahead with the teen who wants to find a job, volunteer or needs to work on self-improvement during the summer. Leave time for the teen to enjoy the time off from school and to spend time with friends and family. Schedule activities to do with your teen and make sure he has something to do the rest of the time, especially if you work outside the home.

2 mins read

Typing Lessons for Teens

With the pervasiveness of computers in everyday life, good typing skills can help teens with their school work or in their jobs. However, due to the schools cutting classes or maybe the teens’ course loads being packed with other academics, some teens are not able to take typing at school. Online typing lessons allow the teens to work at their own pace, without the stress of homework or tests. Whether your teens like animation and games or prefers a simpler look, there are typing lessons developed for teens of all ages.

5 mins read

5 Ways to Plan a Kid’s Sleepover

A sleepover is a social event that children may experience at least once in their lifetime. It is a way that they can have social interactions with peers aside from attending school or participating in sports activities. Children can start to participate in sleepovers when they no longer have separation anxiety, usually when they start going to school and demonstrate that they can be a little independent and can follow certain instructions. A sleepover should be wholesome and filled with fun activities to keep the children entertained. Usually, the hosting parents and their child plan the activities ahead of time to ensure that the sleepover will be a successful one.