3 mins read

Teen Heroin Abuse

Heroin is one of the many drugs that teens run the risk of coming into contact with. This highly addictive drug is a derivative of morphine. It impacts the brain’s pleasure centers and reduces the user’s ability to feel pain. Because of this pleasure center connection, many teens find falling into the pattern of heroin abuse to be quite easy. Escaping heroin’s clutches can be exceedingly difficult also.

3 mins read

Flat Feet Problems

While flat feet may sound like a silly name for a medical condition, individuals who have this issue can experience an assortment of uncomfortable side effects. This disorder is not as serious as many of the others that individuals face, but it is still worthy of attention, as it is easily treatable and, as a result, no one should have to suffer through the effects of this malady.

2 mins read

Ear Infection and a Ringing Sound

Like the rest of your body, your ears can suffer from viral and bacterial infections. Ear infections can affect your inner and outer ear, but they most often appear in your middle ear. A condition that appears commonly in children, ear infections can cause a variety of symptoms. Along with the other discomforts that may accompany your ear infection, you can experience a ringing sound in your ears. While some instances of ear infections and ringing in the ears clear up naturally, others require medical intervention.

4 mins read

Attachment and Loss in Divorce

Loss is one of the most painful human experiences, and over the course of a lifetime we can experience a variety of losses. How we process and experience our loss will greatly impact how we recover from it and how well handle the inevitable additional losses well experience in the future. Loss impacts us across our lifespan. It can be experienced as part of the developmental separation from a caregiver, or in response to divorce or the death of a loved one. The more we allow ourselves to feel attached and connected to others, the greater the potential for loss, making the idea of attachment a risky endeavor for many people.

3 mins read

About Eco-Friendly Living

Eco-friendly living is on the rise, ranging from recycling and reusing to making better food choices and building green structures. Even small changes can make a big difference in not only reducing your impact on the environment but also making your home a healthier place. Between work, personal and family obligations, making time to live a greener life can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be impossible or even time consuming.