3 mins read

Kids’ Party Games

Well-planned games appropriate to the age of party guests can make a party a memorable event. The object of a good party game is to provide pure fun for the players, so games selected for a party should be those that take little explanation and that most kids would feel comfortable playing. It’s also a good idea to include both a quiet and an active game as part of a party’s agenda.

2 mins read

How to Conserve Energy

Anyone can learn to conserve energy. If you already take action to preserve our resources, review this list for other “green” strategies to incorporate into your life. Try a couple of ideas first, then expand to others. If you need motivation, research your personal carbon footprint and think of ways to reduce it.

3 mins read

How to Spot a Player When Dating

If you’re looking for a long-term, meaningful relationship, don’t date a player. Players offer short-lived thrills with no substance. They come on strong, get what they want and leave with little notice. Players view dating as some kind of sport, where the goal is to woo as many people as possible. Most players share some of the same characteristics and can be weeded out of your dating pool if you pay attention to a few telltale red flags.

3 mins read

Things Teens to Do on Summer Vacation

Teens look forward to summer vacation, yet one week into it, they’ll declare that their life is boring. Plan ahead with the teen who wants to find a job, volunteer or needs to work on self-improvement during the summer. Leave time for the teen to enjoy the time off from school and to spend time with friends and family. Schedule activities to do with your teen and make sure he has something to do the rest of the time, especially if you work outside the home.

4 mins read

5 Ways to Plan a Teenage Party

Teen parties will be successful if you listen to you teen’s current interests and plan the party accordingly. Teens may want a co-ed party or not, and parents can determine the level of supervision. Younger teens will have different interests than their driving teen counterparts, and the teen party should be limited to guests within certain age groups. Keep the number of teens at any party to a manageable amount depending on how many adults will be there. When there are younger siblings in the family, be sure to provide separate activities so they do not feel too left out of the teen party, where an older sibling may not want a younger sibling interfering.