3 mins read

Baby Favor Ideas

Baby favors provide a remembrance of baby showers or other celebrations that welcome an infant into the world. You can purchase favors already made or craft them by hand yourself. Most favors are small and relatively inexpensive and can often be coordinated with the decorative theme of the event.

2 mins read

How to Make Herbal Baby Gifts

More and more parents are taking a natural approach to parenting and are looking for organic herbal products. If you need to give a baby gift, consider taking the time to make herbal baby gifts, like a gentle massage oil or diaper rash salve. These items can be made with only a few supplies, take very little time, and can be packaged easily and attractively.

3 mins read

How to Shop for School Supplies on a Budget

Getting kids ready for the new school year can take a bite out of your household budget, and–if you have more than one child–it can turn into a financial crisis. Learning how to shop for school supplies on a budget is an important step in easing the strain when money is tight. It lessens or eliminates having to tell your child you can’t afford the supplies he wants and needs. Once you master the process, you’ll find yourself using the basic concepts in your other shopping categories, and the savings will multiply throughout the year.

2 mins read

What Is a Probiotic Diet?

Imagine adding bacteria to your food. It may sound a little dangerous. At the least, it seems unappealing. The probiotic diet introduces “good” bacteria back into your daily eating habits. Research indicates that probiotic foods and supplements can help restore a natural balance to your body, fight infections, promote good digestion and even clear skin in children.

3 mins read

Which Foods Are Important for a Healthy Diet?

There is no single healthy diet that fits everyone. Which foods you eat on a healthy diet depends on your individual needs. Age, sex, hereditary factors, environmental factors and health and lifestyle considerations can help you decide what foods are healthful for you. The research about the healthiest foods is constantly in flux. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reviews and updates its recommendations every five years for adults on a standard, 2,000 calorie diet. Yet within all the variation, there are constants. The following foods consistently appear in lists of foods recommended for a healthy diet. Add them to your diet in the quantities that are best for you, as befits your personal needs.