2 mins read

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Cream

Stretch marks commonly appear on the surface of the skin during times in which the body is undergoing extreme hormonal fluctuations associated with rapid weight gain. Typical causes of stretch marks, beyond genetics, are pregnancy, weightlifting and growth spurts. Contrary to their name, stretch marks are not the result of stretched skin but rather the effect of collagen breaking down in the epidermis. Because of this, various creams are effective in treating the scars and healing the skin.

3 mins read

Hair Care for Curly Hair

There was time when hair care for curly hair meant figuring out how to straighten and hide curls. Those days are over. With everyone from to Macy Gray to Minnie Driver rocking their natural assets, there are ample looks from which to choose. Leave those relaxers and straightening rods behind, and try some of the new approaches to caring for curly hair.