2 mins read

Remedies for Sweaty Hands

If your hands drip with sweat on a regular basis and you’re embarrassed to offer them in greeting, you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. Although this type of sweating is sometimes triggered by emotional stress or stimuli, according to the Mayo Clinic, the condition appears to be genetic, as it is often found in families. Before you call your parents to curse them for your overeager sweat glands, there are some remedies you can try to alleviate the problem.

3 mins read

Going Green With Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is sustainable. Unlike fossil fuels–which are dwindling resources that can’t be replaced–renewable energy comes from such infinite sources as the sun, earth and wind. Renewable energy is free from many of the negative environmental impacts caused by fossil fuels—namely, global warming and water pollution. Plus, renewable energy is the wave of the future. According to the US Department of Energy, the world’s available fossil fuels will be consumed in 104 years if there isn’t a global switch to renewable energy. This is a switch the world has to make. Many people are already going green with renewable energy in their homes and their lifestyles.