3 mins read

5 Home Remedies to Fight Yeast Infections

While the fungus Candida albicans is normally present in the vagina in small amounts, when too much is present, a yeast infection can occur. In an uninfected vagina, lots of bacteria are present to keep the yeast in check. When something disrupts the balance of bacteria and yeast, like antibiotics, a change in hormones, or an illness, too much yeast can grow, resulting in what is called a yeast infection. While yeast infections are itchy and uncomfortable, rarely are they a serious health concern. If you’re having symptoms like an itchy vagina, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese or pain when you urinate or have intercourse, you may have a yeast infection. To treat a yeast infection yourself, try one of these home remedies.

4 mins read

Earth Science Activities for Kids

Earth science provides opportunities for hands-on activities for kids to explore and learn. Earth science encompasses many subcategories related to the earth. Geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy fall under the earth science category. Reading about the concepts that fall under these categories is educational, but seeing the concepts in action is a more effective way to teach kids.

6 mins read

10 Healthy Lunches for Clear Skin

“You are what you eat,” Mom always said; she was right, especially when it comes to your skin. Just as your hair, your nails and even your emotional balance can be affected by what you eat, your diet can help transform your skin from dull and lifeless to clear and glowing. The best foods to eat for healthy skin are foods rich in antioxidants, iron, essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, and minerals such as zinc or selenium. It is simple to fit these foods into even the busiest schedule. Here are 10 sample lunches that are perfect for taking to work, sharing with friends or enjoying on a weekend at home. They aren’t just delicious; they are quick to prepare, economical and with every bite you’ll be giving your skin everything it needs to look as healthy as possible.

2 mins read

Themed Dinner Party Menu Ideas

Planning a dinner party is nearly always stressful, from the guest list to the menu. Choosing a theme for your dinner party menu can make the cooking and decorating easier and more fun for both you and your guests. Try planning an evening in Rome, a dinner visit to the Parthenon, a Mexican fiesta or a harvest celebration. Choose a dinner party theme that works with foods in season, and be sure that you are comfortable and familiar with the flavors, even if a specific recipe is new.

4 mins read

Heart Healthy Diet Plans

Many foods are not good for the heart. Even foods that we consider healthy, when taken in excess can contribute to heart diseases. It is always important for an individual to make sure to eat the right kinds of food and to eat them in moderation. Those who are prone to heart diseases, especially if it runs in their family, should consider heart healthy diet plans. A well-balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise can help promote a healthier heart.