2 mins read

Teen Dad Pregnancy Facts

Teen dads are often overlooked in the big picture of teen pregnancy. We often focus on the mom and baby, who need support and help, but we neglect to think about the impact of fatherhood on a teenage boy. Teen fathers are affected by parenthood, too; they need help, advice, encouragement to take responsibility both for the babies they have fathered and for their own education and future.

8 mins read

#SportBits…Weekend Rejuvenation

Happy Friday #ModernMoms! Hopefully you are recovering from your Thanksgiving festivities. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of time before things ramp up again. This might be a good weekend to relax and rejuvenate before you’re back in high gear for the Holidays. What better way to do that then lounge around and watch some sports?…

3 mins read

My New Year’s Anti-Resolutions

With the start of the New Year also brings that special time of year when people make obligatory resolutions to become better. But most resolutions don’t last, and they aren’t that useful as self-improvement tools if you’re just going to break them. So let’s not make resolutions, let’s just do it.Apologies to Nike, because it seems like they had the right idea all along. Here are a few way to change your life for the better this year: Focus on You

7 mins read

Teach Your Autistic Children Well

Buckle up, a rant is coming. Are we responsible for teaching basic manners to our kids? YES! Heres the deal, even though your child has autism, you shouldnt necessarily get a free pass when it comes to basic parenting. Just because your child has autism, does that mean you dont have to teach your child how to be polite? Here are some examples I have recently observed: 1. A mom comes into …