4 mins read

Back to School Spending Survival Guide

Its only a matter of time before we need to put away the sunscreen begin thinking about the dreaded back-to-school shopping. That means looking forward to a major outlay of money for school supplies, new clothes, activity fees, and other school-related expenses. On top of the notebooks, shoes, jeans, and backpacks, more and more parents are being asked to support schools by helping stock classrooms with art materials and cleaning supplies. And those folders, pencils and paper towels can add up to real budget-breakers.

2 mins read

Carpet Cleaning Guide

To keep the carpet in your home looking good, lasting long and remaining hygienic, you have to clean it regularly. If you have an active house with kids and pets, you probably find yourself fighting an uphill battle trying to keep your carpets clean. After you check with your carpet’s manufacturer for any particular cleaning instructions, you can compare the different carpet cleaning methods to determine which is right for your carpet.