4 mins read

Is Your Family Dairy-Free? Make Your Own Coconut Milk!

Coconut milk is one my familys favorite non-dairy options. We use it in everything from coffee to cereal and it makes a delicious hot chocolate. The possibilities are endless.I love that every month it seems like there are more and more choices on the grocery store shelves for all of us who want an alternative to dairy. Demand speaks and it is my dream to one day (hopefully soon!) see proper labeling on …

3 mins read

Roasted Potatoes With Homemade BBQ Sauce

Winter is the perfect time of year to celebrate roasted root vegetables! The aromas wafting from the oven, and the warmth it gives off in your home is enough to make you smile and feel cozy inside. The joy you receive from cooking has a lot to do with your outlook.As often as possible, take a moment to see cooking as a meditative, giving practice and not so much a chore. Life is all …

7 mins read

I’m Going to Disneyland! Without the Kids! (June Cleaver Would Not Approve)

I grew up in Southern California. It was a great place to enjoy childhood, what with easy access to beaches, practically year round sunshine and Disneyland. I have tons of great memories of visiting Disneyland starting when I was five (when, much to my parents horror, I apparently spent most of my time pointing at costumed characters and other features and declaring them fake) and up through when I left for college. I remember often asking to go to Disneyland when I was little and my mom (and other moms) answering that it was a little too far away for more than an annual visit.

3 mins read

Person of Interest to be Released on BluRay/DVD

“You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you. Crimes the government considered irrelevant. They wouldn’t act, so I decided I would. But I needed a partner, someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You’ll never find us, but victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up…we’ll find you.”