4 mins read

Do You Have A Work Spouse?

TGIF Chiquitas!! That means 20/20 tonight, after Friday night dinner with my family. I LOVE Friday nights. As I read back yesterdays blog post, I realized, geez, it was quite heavy. As you know, I always like to switch things up, so I came across a funny topic that I hoped would soften the mood today.

6 mins read

How to Dress for Work

When it comes to dressing for work, every impression counts. A Careerbuilder survey suggests that a book is indeed judged by its cover, when it comes to professional attire. How you choose to dress for work plays a significant role in your landing a job, being noticed, getting promoted and achieving professional success. Your clothes and the way you dress reflect your attitude toward your job. In many workplaces and industries, you have to pay attention to the way you look and present yourself, in order for your work to be taken seriously. This article offers tips on dressing for work.