4 mins read

Over-the-Counter Medicine for Menopause

Hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, relaxation of the pelvic muscles and hair growth where you don’t want it and hair thinning where you do. If that litany doesn’t make you want to scream, it will surely have you running to your nearest pharmacy for some help. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are available for menopausal women. Just make sure you know what’s what.

1 min read

Simple Tip For Losing Weight

The tortoise may come in first after all. A recent review of 22 well-designed studies shows that slow eaters seem to be able to keep their weight down better than their counterparts.We are all aware of the obvious forms of weight control such as healthy low calorie food choices, but eating slowly has not been high on our lists. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to let your stomach know that you …

2 mins read

Safe Weight Lifting for Women

Resistance training provides numerous health advantages for women. While you may think of weightlifting as a traditional male exercise, this activity is beneficial for both sexes. Weightlifting is a strenuous activity that can lead to injuries. Protect your health by following basic safety precautions and consulting your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise routine.

2 mins read

How to Lose Weight Fast After a Pregnancy

Immediately following the birth of your baby, your days were filled with sleeping, feeding and burping schedules. Once you settled your newborn into the family, however, you may have noticed a few extra pounds left over from the pregnancy. It can be discouraging to get out of your maternity clothes, only to discover that your pre-pregnancy outfits no longer fit. With some determination and effort, you can lose that post-pregnancy weight.

2 mins read

The Best Weight Loss Supplement Pills

Trying to lose weight can be difficult. Weight loss supplements sound like a good idea, but you have to wonder if they are, and if so, which ones work and are safe. Just as you probably suspected, some weight loss supplements are better than others. You can get these supplements at drugstores, supermarkets, health foods stores or online. You should be careful, warns MayoClinic.com, because some weight loss supplements may be ineffective or even dangerous. Read the labels and before taking any supplements, discuss their safety and effectiveness with your doctor or pharmacist.