3 mins read

How Children Benefit From Play Activities

When you’re little, play is one of those perfect things – a renewable resource of fun times, cut short only by sunlight and school. Just imagine if broccoli tasted good and chores were fun, and your daily chore was to eat broccoli.Just ask anyone, “Do you wish you had played less when you were a kid?” I think we all know the answer to that.

2 mins read

Activities for Increasing Self-Esteem in Teenagers

Your teenager is busy figuring out who he is and where he fits into his world, and though this time of self-discovery can be full of fun and excitement, it can take a toll on self-esteem. Discovering yourself also means finding out who you aren’t and where you don’t belong, and those discoveries can make you question your own worth. Self-esteem-boosting activities can help your teen regain his perspective.

3 mins read

Activities to Promote Self-Esteem in Girls

A girl’s self-esteem often decreases significantly in the preteen years, when body image becomes a primary focus. Media images, comparisons with friends and everyday stresses chip away at the average girl’s self-image. Activities to build self-esteem can help girls face these issues either in a group instructional setting or individually at home.

3 mins read

Easy Cooking Activities for Kids

Involving your children in the kitchen can be a fun way to spend time with them while teaching them valuable skills that they can use as they grow older. Not only is cooking fun, it also helps kids read, learn math, organize things and become independent. When grown ups spend time with kids in the kitchen, it strengthens their bonds and fosters openness between the young ones and the young once.

2 mins read

Kids’ Nature Activities

Nature opens up the imagination and wonder of children, from the toddler years on. As adults, it’s sometimes difficult to remember the thrill you felt chasing fireflies on hot summer evenings or the excitement of a toad popping up from behind plants. Spending time outdoors exploring nature with your own children brings back memories of those carefree days. As a bonus, your kids get an interactive lesson about how nature works.