5 mins read

Planning & Packing Quick, Healthy Kid Lunches

With the kids back in school, the biggest benefit to busy parents is settling back into a nice routine. However, school also brings the dilemma of packing daily lunches. The morning rush is difficult enough, with showers, breakfast and last-minute scrambling to find the soccer cleats and get kids out the door and yourself off to work. It can be tempting to throw in convenient but poor nutritional choices, just because theyre fast.

1 min read

Baby Gourmet

When you are a new mom on-the-go, you love anything that makes your schedule just a little bit easier. Baby Gourmet does just that by giving parents a stress-free option for mealtimes. This delicious baby food is organic, providing the healthful benefits of homemade cooking.

3 mins read

Fast Foods That Are Nutritious

Fast food is a popular choice for busy moms as they can quickly pick up dinner while shuttling their kids around town or heading home from a long day’s work. While some fast foods are a nutritional nightmare, this is not universally the case. By ordering carefully and considering the potential health benefits of many fast food options, you can make your grab-and-go dinner just as nutritious as the one that you would have prepared at home.

2 mins read

Birthday Party Snack Ideas for Kids

Have some fun at your next children’s birthday party by serving snacks that reflect the theme, allow the guests to customize them or make the event feel special. Fortunately, you do not need a major budget or a caterer to prepare delicious and different snacks for a kid’s birthday celebration. Instead, provide several simple options that allow children to pick and choose their party snacks.