3 mins read

Dating a Man With a Big Ego

At first, you were taken in by his charm and impressed by his self-confidence. Those first dates often felt like a dream come true when he took charge and entertained you with his boisterous personality. Unfortunately, you are now having that heart-sinking feeling that what you once thought was strength is actually an over-inflated ego.…

5 mins read

$50K For A Three-Year-Old’s Birthday Party!?

Lately, weve been on the birthday circuit. Today was a 2-year-olds Thomas-the-Train celebration, tomorrow is a 3-year-old pony riding extravaganza, and next weekend 6-year-old twins are celebrating with a gymnastics party. I love birthday parties. When Ava gets invited, it reassures me that she is popular and I can look forward to eating the piece of cake she decapitates by furiously licking away the frosting. Everyone wins. With all these parties on our calendar, I have to take a list with me to Target just to remind me of the presents I need to buy that month. But a $15 Barbie is a small price to pay for popularity and it beats the cost of child therapy, which I imagine is the sad lot of the uninvited.

7 mins read

Obsession with Our Children’s Happiness Could Doom Them

Ive been doing it all wrong.This whole parenting gig.Seriously. After I read the cover story of the July/August issue of The Atlantic, which told parents that if youre focusing on trying to make your kids happy youre likely gearing them up for future therapy sessions to undo all the super-positive, encouraging blather youve been feeding them, I was initially ticked off.

3 mins read

Narcissistic Behavior in a Husband

When a person has true narcissistic personality disorder, he believes he is more important than he really is. He feels entitled to special treatment and has an inflated sense of himself. He demands constant attention and is overly sensitive to perceived criticism. A husband who acts selfish may just be temporarily selfish, or he may actually have narcissistic personality disorder. Understanding the signs, symptoms and treatment of the disorder will help you decide whether to ask him to get evaluated.