1 min read

New Tra-Dish: Easy Ragú Chili Mac Casserole

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! This one comes from Ashley over atMommy Week, who put a twist onRag’sChili Mac.The result: a super simple Chili Mac Casserole that’s perfect for busy weeknights!Check out her post below:Sometimes I cook complex meals, that can take a lot of time to prep. But as a …

6 mins read

The TV show “Atypical”

Netflix has recently released a new television show called, “Atypical.” What is it about? (Spoiler alert) “Atypical” is about an eighteen-year-old boy with autism. The story revolves around him navigating high school and hormones. He is a super intelligent kid, who has social awkwardness and obsessions. The show also includes other storylines around the kid’s…