9 mins read

Four Money Traps Every Mom Should Know

The last thing I expected as I headed up the freeway from San Diego to Los Angeles was a money trap. Traffic? Yes. Frustration and delays? Naturally. But a money trap? Never. Halfway there I had a choice: jump on a wide-open toll road or sit in a sea of traffic only to arrive at my appointment sweaty and swearing. It was an easy but costly decision: my $6.50 toll quickly turned into a …

8 mins read

Off The Fence & Into The Gym

By Guest Blogger David Snively Ive been training clients for more than 25 years now, mostly women, and Ive heard my fair share of workout goals from the opposite sex. For the most part, they are body part related the eternal quest for thinner thighs, flatter stomachs, and more toned arms, and that has continued till this day. I have learned to listen to their requests, sympathize with body image discontent, and do my best to deliver results. I combine my own agenda as a trainer with 25 years of experience and constant le