3 mins read

What Foods Are Best at Speeding Up Your Metabolic Rate?

Before you head to the grocery store to fill your cart with foods that will boost your metabolic rate, you have to first understand what metabolism is and does. Laurie Hedlund, L.P.N., of the Consumer Affairs website, explains that metabolism is the series of physical and chemical processes that takes place within the body to convert food to energy. Three factors determine metabolic rate–basal metabolic rate, metabolic rate during physical activity and metabolic rate during food digestion.

1 min read

How to Lose Weight Metabolically

Many trendy fad diets come onto the market promising a simple plan to lose weight. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which one is the right one for you. How much easier it would be if there was a diet created specifically for you. This is the idea of a metabolic diet. This plan allows you to evaluate exactly how many calories you need and how to eat in a way that is healthiest for your body. In this way, you can attain results that are lasting and attainable for your lifestyle.

2 mins read

Metabolic Weight Loss Centers

Losing weight can be difficult no matter how you approach it. Some people need a little extra help to lose weight. At a metabolic weight loss center, you can get medical support in your weight loss journey, with physicians designing a program that is specific for your body. By approaching weight loss from a variety of angles, you can increase your chances of success.

4 mins read

Metabolic Disorder & Weight Loss

Metabolic disorder is so common in the United States that it has three different names–metabolic syndrome, syndrome X or dysmetabolic syndrome. The American Heart Association estimates that metabolic syndrome will soon beat cigarette smoking to become the number-one cause of heart disease in the United States. Weight loss is key to treating metabolic disorder.

4 mins read

How Many Calories & Proteins Are Healthy to Eat Each Day?

The number of calories you should eat daily depends on how active you are and your metabolic rate. The amount of protein you eat daily depends on your weight. You may also need to eat more calories and protein each day if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In order to keep your current weight, you need to use as many calories as you consume in a day. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn.