2 mins read

5 Small Ways to Cut Back on Clutter

Being an organized mom is somewhat like being an artist. You just need some good supplies, tools and a little good advice. Everyone knows that there is an artist within all of us. It just needs to be drawn out and given a chance to perform. I would challenge each mom to give it a positive try. Here are some tools and advice I would give to the mom who wants to be organized: Practice Smart Scheduling

3 mins read

Back to School Must-Haves

Back to school starts now in my house even though all four of my kids are returning at different times. This year will be my most challenging school year yet. Four kids in three different schools with four different drop-off and pick-up times. Thankfully my youngest, Shaya, will still enjoy our beloved homeschool for two days a week. We decided to put him in a regular program three days a week so hell be with more kids as his sister is moving up to kindergarten.