5 mins read

The Importance of Family Dinners

This article is in partnership with Uncle Ben’s. Growing up we had dinner at 6:00pm every night. Mom cooked, and everyone ate what was on their plates. Fast forward a few decades and dinnertime has changed. Whether it’s because kids have more extracurricular activities, parents have competing work schedules, or easier access to take-out food…

8 mins read

How to Make a Proper Apology

As Paula Spencer Scott, Caring.com senior editor wrote in, “7 Ways to Handle a Hothead — Without Blowing Your Top” steadying yourself with people who feel slighted is challenging. In my line of work this would be hurt and angry co-parents and their children.

1 min read

Let’s Cook: Pear, Gorgonzola and Arugula Salad

Nothing says “fancy dinner party” quite like the combination of fruit and cheese. This pear, gorgonzola, and arugula salad is colorful, delicious, and super impressive, if you’re entertaining. The saltiness of the gorgonzola balances out the sweetness of ripe pears to give this salad a classy, bistro-esque flavor. And it’s easy! Try out this delish salad with the family or for your next dinner party. Michelle Karam takes you through the process of making this light, fresh salad to impress your guests: Pear, Gorgonzola and Arugula Salad Recipe

3 mins read

How Do I Find a Family Doctor?

A family doctor is usually the first professional you consult when you need medical care. Family physicians and general practitioners are skilled at diagnosing a range of illnesses and can treat many of a patient’s medical conditions without the need for a specialist’s help. Your family doctor can be a valuable source of information when you have health-related questions. In fact, “family physicians provide the majority of care to the nation’s rural populations,” says Lori Heim, President of the American Academy of Family Physicians.