8 mins read

Three Ways to Get Present and Cherish the Moments

Do you ever know how someone really feels? It’s hard to tell, as we live in a time of so much noise and distraction. People are tuning in less to each other and paying more attention to the technology, social media, advertising messages, the news, and other external disturbances around them. Being able to recognize…

6 mins read

Is My Child Being Bullied? How Do I Help?

When I walked in to my daughter attempting suicide due to extreme bullying, I was horrified and heartbroken. Most of all, I was surprised and felt guilty that I had missed that anything of this magnitude was happening in her life. Bullying has been around forever, heck, I was bullied as a kid, but bullying…

2 mins read

Summer Fitness Tips for Moms from Gabby Reece

Gabby Reece is a mother of two, former professional beach volleyball player and  an expert when it comes to getting in shape. Here are her 5 tips for staying fit this summer. Take Mindful Strides: “One of the best movements you can do for your health is simply walking. I like make walking a full…

3 mins read

Normal Weight to Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain is one of the most noticeable and dreaded parts of pregnancy. It can be difficult to watch your stomach expand as you grow rapidly out of your once favorite jeans. To make your pregnancy weight gain less painful and to assist you in snapping back to your weight before you became pregnant educate yourself on the basics of pregnancy weight gain and take strides to minimize unnecessarily weight gain.

3 mins read

How To Be Prepared For A Safe And Comfortable Run

The following post was sponsored by BAND-AID® Brand and NEOSPORIN® Brand. As a 33-year-old mom to six children, it's important for me to maintain my energy and my health. One way I do this is keeping a regular workout schedule. Not only does this help me feel good, refreshed, and energized, but it also gives…