1 min read

Gak is Back! and More Modern-Day Versions of Familiar Favorites

“There is no such thing as old, only retro.” If you think about all of the products that you loved as a kid that are still kicking around, this design philosophy seems to ring true. The toys, fashions, and snacks of our youths would be pretty dusty and outdated by now if they remained unchanged… but time marches on, and we’re seeing some considerable upgrades on familiar favorites.

3 mins read

What A Wabi-Sabi Body Is And Why You Want It

If you choose to scroll through Instagram (#workout), you will be bombarded with “perfect” physiques, six-pack ab challenges, impossible-looking exercises, and you may end up feeling less motivated and more self-critical. Last week I was zooming with a new personal training client, and when I asked her to tell me about her fitness goals, she…

3 mins read

How to Take Wrinkles Out of Polyester With Steam

Polyester is one of the most durable, user-friendly fabrics you can find. While older versions of this fabric were known for being rough, new technology has made polyester softer and thinner. This is why the majority of your clothing, curtains and other types of home décor are typically made from polyester. One of the best…

3 mins read

11 Tips for Traveling with Kids

Before you know it, summer vacation will be here. If you’re planning a family adventure, the following tips and tricks will help you pull it off like a pro even with a tiny traveler in tow! 1. Choose flight times wisely. Don’t kick off the …

7 mins read

Mean Girls In Kindergarten? Dealing with Girl Drama

I have four kids – my boys are 15 and 13, my girls are 9 and 5. While my boys nearly drove me into the ground as toddlers with their endless physical energy and constant running around, the girls are currently winning the race to dig me an early grave with their ongoing girl drama and emotional highs and lows.If I had to choose, Id take the physical exhaustion of boys over the emotional …