1 min read

How to Control the Appetite During Pregnancy

Most women know that when you’re pregnant you are eating for two, but sometimes your appetite may make it seem as though you’re hungry enough to feed an army. If you find yourself ravenous all the time and you’re starting to worry about too many extra pounds, you may be wondering how to control your appetite during the remaining weeks or months of your pregnancy. After all, pregnancy is not a free health pass for unlimited weight gain. Controlling your appetite can help you to keep your weight gain from becoming excessive.

1 min read

Yaz Birth Control Safety Warnings

When it was approved by the FDA in 2006, Yaz was touted as the first birth control pill that would also treat the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as well as moderate acne. Based on a 24-day cycle of progestin as opposed to the traditional 21-day regime of estrogen-based birth control pills, Yaz is the first comparable pill to challenge the best-selling Yasmin. Yaz is manufactured by Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals.

2 mins read

Side Effects of the Birth Control Ring

If a baby is not in your immediate future, you may be considering your birth control options. One of these options is the vaginal birth control ring, patented under the brand name, NuvaRing. NuvaRing is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina where it releases progestin and estrogen into the blood stream through the vaginal wall. Like any other hormonal birth control method, there are a number of potential side effects caused by using the birth control ring. Here is what you need to know about them.

3 mins read

Delicious Weight Loss Foods

Exercise and diet work hand-in-hand to help shed extra pounds from the holidays, pregnancies or indulgent vacations. Weight loss foods get a bad reputation and are often considered tasteless and unappetizing, but the truth is, you don’t have to punish your taste buds to lose weight. Stay motivated to get fit by enjoying delicious, palette-pleasing foods that promote weight loss.

3 mins read

How Much Milk Should a Healthy Baby Have?

For the first year of life, breast milk or formula provides the bulk of your baby’s nutrition, even after he begins eating solid foods. As a mother, you may worry whether your baby is drinking enough — or too much. Your baby’s appetite may vary from day to day and may be completely different from another baby’s appetite — all of this is normal.