3 mins read

Things Kids with Autism May Miss

"Mommy, I forgot." Said with a sheepish smile on his face. I often wonder about this autism thing my son has when it relates to things that many other kids would find "simpler." What is an example of something considered to be "simple?" The difference between right and left. My son is twelve and I…

6 mins read

On Wanting More

Have you ever asked or prayed for something and promised yourself that if only you get through THIS, youll never ask for ANYTHING else again? I can recall only a few examples, but once I got through it, I prayed for something else. I did. If only I get myself out of this mess, Ill never want from anything else. Yah, whatever! That pot of gold always seems to be just around the corner, and once we get it, well never ask for anything else again. But truth is, we do ask.