2 mins read

Fun Team Building Activities for Kids

Kids love to have fun, but sometimes they end up sitting too long on the couch in front of a gaming console, cell phone or laptop computer. That’s where activities come in, helping kids to be active. Activities can serve other purposes as well, and be fun at the same time. Some activities function to build team spirit. Just like members of a band develop a sense of comradeship and team spirit as they play together, kids can develop a sense of team with the right activities.

2 mins read

Kids’ Nature Activities

Nature opens up the imagination and wonder of children, from the toddler years on. As adults, it’s sometimes difficult to remember the thrill you felt chasing fireflies on hot summer evenings or the excitement of a toad popping up from behind plants. Spending time outdoors exploring nature with your own children brings back memories of those carefree days. As a bonus, your kids get an interactive lesson about how nature works.