5 mins read

Ballet, Tears, BS and Life Lessons

Six dance classes, two karate classes, six play dates, two sleepovers, a scooter session in the park and 12 meals at home = Spring break madness. My new name is Vacation Concierge and I must admit I would pay TOP dollar to anyone worthy of the future gig! Welcome to my chaotic life, trying to please four children and a few friends who are off from school. But as always, in my chaos there is a lesson to be learned.

4 mins read

To Ink or Not To Ink

We all know about the male, mid-life clichs. A guy hits forty, or fifty, and suddenly, he needs to prove to the world that hes still young. So he runs out and buys a sports car, or a motorcycle; he grows a ponytail; he finds himself a hot, young wife. But interestingly, women dont seem to have their own mid-life clich counterparts.

6 mins read

Valentine’s Day, the Single Way!

Valentine’s Day. Some couples–well, girls–look forward to it for months. The preparation, the gifts, the sweet little nothings that make the evening special…all that is great, but what if you don’t have a special someone to spend the special day with? Are you destined to waste the night away watching cheesy romantic comedies and stuffing your squirrel cheeks with See’s and Dreyer’s? Are you supposed to put on a happy face until you go to bed, when your big brown eyes will cry until your mascara reaches your chin?