4 mins read

Back To Basics, Creating An Original Christmas

It is kinda amazing to me at how fast the holiday season comes and goes, especially the older I get. Last week it was just another sunny day in Los Angeles and the next day it is a winter wonderland. It is as if Santa Clause flew over the city one night and barfed up everything Christmas, from the holiday cups at my favorite coffee establishment, to the street decorations and the shinning lights, to the huge Christmas tree at The Grove shopping complex, and Kenny G Christmas music being played over and over again on the radio. Let me make myself clear though, I am in no

2 mins read

The Importance of Creating Family

Everyone has heard the phrase, It takes a village to raise a child. As a single parent your village is even more important. Your village becomes your family; the people that you rely on to help you and child. When you are a single parent, especially when you are not in close proximity of actual relatives, the family that you create for yourself is critical to you and your childs well being.

8 mins read

Golden Bachelor Divorce – Why All Marriages Should Have a Prenup

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist, stars of the reality show "The Golden Bachelor," have decided to end their marriage after just three months. The couple, who became engaged and married following their appearance on the show, announced their decision during an emotional interview on "Good Morning America." Despite the short duration of their marriage, both…