3 mins read

Anxiety Attacks During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in your life, but it can be a frightening and nerve-wracking experience for some women. For some women, it can even cause anxiety attacks. If you’re one of them, don’t worry — pregnancy anxiety is totally normal, and doesn’t mean you’re going to be a terrible mother or that you don’t want your baby. It does mean that you need to discover what’s causing your anxiety and learn how to deal with it.

4 mins read

Funny Pregnancy Tips

You’ve been to the doctor, the bookstore, the baby store and are ready to tell the world your big news–you are expecting. While the doctor is full of wise medical information on your condition, there are also a million books to help you along the way. The stores are also packed with advice-giving clerks and fellow mothers-to-be. You may find that what you really need is to discover the lighter, more humorous, side of being pregnant.

2 mins read

Signs & Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

If an egg is fertilized in a fallopian tube, it is an ectopic pregnancy and cannot result in the healthy delivery of a baby. A tubal or ectopic pregnancy can also be life-threatening if left untreated, according to the Mayo Clinic. While a tubal pregnancy is devastating to a hopeful mom, the good news is that successful detection and treatment of the condition increases your chances of future healthy pregnancies.