2 mins read

How to Lift Breasts Naturally

Sagging breasts can be the cause of age or pregnancy, or even from losing or gaining a large amount of weight in a short period. Many women feel that surgery is the only way they can achieve beautiful, firm breasts, but that’s not true. There are different natural methods to achieving this.

3 mins read

When is the Rhythm Method of Birth Control Safe?

While jokes abound about the rhythm method, it can be a reliable method of natural family planning that prevents pregnancy effectively. Modern knowledge about fertility patterns and signs can help you to make good choices about when to engage in sexual activity and when to abstain, when you are using the rhythm method. To know when you are safe and when you are not, you need to know your own cycle and your body.

3 mins read

Do You Need to Use a Back-Up Method When Switching Birth Control?

You may want to switch birth control methods to reduce side effects, opt for increased convenience or improve effectiveness. Changing from a barrier method of birth control to a hormonal contraceptive is one option, but you may also change from one hormonal contraceptive to another. Staying safe and preventing pregnancy while you switch is key, but your circumstances will affect whether you should use a back-up method of contraception.

3 mins read

How Do I Treat ADHD Naturally?

If your doctor diagnoses your child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, he’ll probably also prescribe some medication that can help treat the disease. This may not be the route you want to take. Some children with ADHD respond well to natural solutions to the problem. If you’re hesitant about giving your child medicine to treat his problem, you can try these methods first. If they work, you may never have to use that prescription. Always run your ideas by your pediatrician.

3 mins read

Baby Gender Selection Methods

It’s natural for a father who already has three girls to want a boy next time. But should he be able to make that choice? Reproductive technologies exist to make sex selection a reality. However, many people believe that sex selection is ethically wrong. The UN reports, for example, that every day in India, 2,000 women abort a baby girl. Called feticide, this is a form of sex selection. When sex selection occurs for medical reasons, many people support the phenomenon.