4 mins read

Why Don’t We Have Any Family Traditions?

I love January. The holidays are behind us, and its all fresh starts and empty calendars and, of course, resolutions. And if theres anything I love more than January, its a good resolution.I have to say, I just dont understand people who dont make New Years Resolutions. I think its really important to sit back and take stock of where you are in your life and how …

5 mins read

Brooke Burke: Burke Family Traditions

Having just returned from New England with my family, I have a new-found love for frosty weather, bare trees and chaos.It was a meaningful week watching my children and my little brother navigate the loving traditions of my Burke roots. Getting the seven of us to the east coast on a red eye flight was ambitious, especially at this time of year, but oh-so-worth it.Props to me, if I do say so myself …

3 mins read

Modern Christmas Time Traditions: AKA Dr. Seuss’ Genius

Since graduating college and living on my own over the past few years one of my new favorite holiday traditions is to make myself comfortable in front of the television after a long day and watch 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family with hot chocolate in hand and close friends and family at my side! This is one holiday tradition I cannot wait to get started and quite literally requires little effort to enjoy.

2 mins read

How to Create New Holiday Traditions

The holidays can be so hectic, sometimes you just want to crawl in a hole. But for kids, the holidays are a time of wonder and magic. Their expectant nature requires that parents do everything within their power to keep the spirit of the season alive and well if for no other reason than the kids. Creating new traditions is a great way to make the holidays more special for your kids and your family.