4 mins read

Understanding Men in Love

Understanding men is a challenge in and of itself, even though they claim we’re the complicated ones. A man in love is an even more complex being; so complex, in fact, that sometimes he may act like a woman. All those strange things he does make sense, somehow, if we can step back and look at him not as a man, primarily, but as a human in love, subject to emotion, passion, self-doubt, ecstasy and sappy poetry.

4 mins read

The Standing Up Pee-er

After nearly seven years, my son has begun to pee standing up. I dont know when most boys start to pee standing up, or if they ever pee sitting down. I feel like this is the kind of thing you investigate and obsess about when youre a first time mom and youre potty training your first born. But my first born was a girl, so I missed that part, and with the second kid–well, we all know how things go with second kids. My son just sort of potty trained himself by imitating me and his sister, and I didnt really have the time or the inclination to worry about it.

5 mins read

Understanding the “Energy” Between Parent and Child

When I was training for my Ph.D. in psychology, I was taught the importance of being able to quantify or count what I observe. Now, thirty years later, I am going to step outside of that model and advise that one of the most important things to be aware of from the moment your children are born until you scoot them out the door, is the type of energy that goes back and forth between you and your kids — something we cant see or measure, but we all know it’s there. Understanding it can make you a better parent.