4 mins read

Is Infertility Plaguing You? Know Your Options!

According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Infertility is a disease that affects more than 7.3 million Americans, or 1 in 8 couples of childbearing age. The diagnosis of infertility is often very overwhelming for patients. Not only are they faced with the news that conceiving a child is only possible through medical treatment, they are also presented with information that is totally new to them. New medical jargon along with recommendations for treatments and tests that are completely unfamiliar can be very intimidating for the newly diagnosed.

3 mins read

Bacterial Vaginosis in Women

It may not be something you want to discuss in public, but vaginal infections are pretty common in women of all ages. Of all those infections, bacterial vaginosis is the most common in women of childbearing age, according to the Centers of Disease Control. It’s also common in pregnant women, at least in the United States. Bacterial vaginosis has symptoms similar to other infections, such as STDs or yeast infections.

1 min read

How to Take Prenatal Vitamins Before Getting Pregnant

During pregnancy, you’ll need additional nutrients to help your baby grow and develop. In fact certain vitamins, like folic acid, can help prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord when taken before and very early in pregnancy. For this reason, the March of Dimes recommends that all women of childbearing age take a multivitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day.