4 mins read

Brooke Burke: My Slim Down Secrets

Daytime television feels more like Fitness 101 this month. Everywhere I look, I hear about a new fitness fad, a quick fix or some kind of “get in shape fast” scheme – which is something I’ve never believed in.January is the time when everybody wants to get back in shape (or get in shape for the first time). Oh, leave it to those good old New Year’s Resolutions.I’ve never quite understood …

5 mins read

Navigating Common Breastfeeding Concerns During the Uncertainty of a Pandemic

Breastfeeding can be complicated and difficult enough during “normal” times. However, new mothers’ concerns become magnified during a pandemic when in-person resources, like local breastfeeding classes, are not as available. As a certified lactation consultant, I’m here to help by sharing answers to the most common breastfeeding questions and concerns I receive from clients and…