2 mins read

Cool Gifts for Teens

Finding a cool gift for a teen challenges even expert gift-givers. To avoid having the gift thrown into a pile of items that are never used, take into consideration the personality, style and interests of the recipient before making any purchases. Many common teen gift ideas offer ways to customize the item for a personalized gift-giving experience.

5 mins read

Apparently, I’m Embarrassing

The summer my daughter turned eight, we bought a book called Fun Things To Do In Los Angeles (or something like that). She didn’t go to day camp on Thursdays, so every Wednesday night we’d pore through the book, looking for a fun place that we could go to the next day for what we…

5 mins read

How Did I Turn Into a 1950’s Housewife?

When a teenager, I always swore to myself that I would never be dependent on a man. I was going to have my own, successful career, I would have my own, separate bank account, and if my husband and I had shared finances, I would know everything about them down to the penny.