6 mins read

Put Your Money To Work!

Seems like every time I turn around one survey after another is asking me about my income. Even my church seems to care how much money I make! I find it amusing that not once in the past 43 years have I ever been asked how much money I save. And at the end of the day isnt that a more relevant number? Its time to stop thinking only about the amount of …

4 mins read

The Benefits of Hiring a Nanny Vs. Daycare

Whether you already have kids, or are planning to have them, you may be thinking about who is going to care for them when you have to go to work. Nowadays, most parents are both working; therefore, they are not able to stay home to care for their children. When this situation comes up, whats a parent to do? Is hiring a nanny something you are thinking about? Does putting your child in a daycare center seem like a good idea? The choice is yours.