3 mins read

Pre-Pregnancy Workouts

Working out and exercising can do wonders for your health. Getting too much exercise and working out too hard can also do a number on your health, especially if you are planning on becoming pregnant in the near future. Too much exercise can prevent ovulation or cause you to skip your period. You should still strive to workout, though. Just keep the workouts moderately tame, and don’t start training for a triathlon.

3 mins read

The Best Workouts to Get Rid of Belly Fat

It may seem overwhelming, but you have to get a handle on those love handles while you get a chance. No matter how much fat has collected around your midline, the sooner you get it taken care of, the more you can tackle. The longer you take, the more fat will accumulate, making the job harder and harder. Burn it now; it’s worth it.

6 mins read

Nine Ways to Sneak in Those Workouts

Finding time to exercise is a challenge during any time of the year, but fitness plans really suffer especially during the holiday season. Most of us mentally wrote off or compromised our workouts during the days between Thanksgiving and the New Year — and now we’ve got the extra …

3 mins read

Fast Workouts for Weight Loss

Taking care of the house, doing the laundry, cooking meals, working on homework and going to work max out the hours of your day. You really do not have enough time in a day to take care of yourself. If you need to lose weight and get some energy back, look for a fast workout routine you can fit into your few free moments.