3 mins read

Child Yeast Infections

Candida albicans and other species of Candida yeast live on the skin and moist areas of the body, such as the mouth and genitals. Everyone, from babies to elderly adults, has yeast living on their bodies. Usually, the yeast doesn’t cause harm. If the natural balance of microorganisms is disrupted, from illness, medications or changes in hormone levels, yeast can flourish, leading to an infection. Most yeast infections in children are treatable and will clear up quickly with medication.

3 mins read

5 Home Remedies to Fight Yeast Infections

While the fungus Candida albicans is normally present in the vagina in small amounts, when too much is present, a yeast infection can occur. In an uninfected vagina, lots of bacteria are present to keep the yeast in check. When something disrupts the balance of bacteria and yeast, like antibiotics, a change in hormones, or an illness, too much yeast can grow, resulting in what is called a yeast infection. While yeast infections are itchy and uncomfortable, rarely are they a serious health concern. If you’re having symptoms like an itchy vagina, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese or pain when you urinate or have intercourse, you may have a yeast infection. To treat a yeast infection yourself, try one of these home remedies.

3 mins read

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections While Pregnant

Yeast infections are the bane of women. Well, perhaps menstrual cramps are the bane of women. Yeast infections are certainly a close second, and when you’re pregnant they can escalate to No. 1 in a hurry. Yeast infections are often more common during pregnancy, precisely when prescription medications are not a wise idea due to possible side effects on the developing baby. There are some good, natural remedies that are safe during pregnancy, both to help cure the yeast infection and to relieve the symptoms until it has cleared up.