At-home Remedies for Yeast Infections
2 mins read

At-home Remedies for Yeast Infections

Most women will experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives. Over-the-counter and prescription treatments can be expensive and contain harsh ingredients. There are many safe and effective home remedies available to treat mild and occasional yeast infections.

Probiotics–Food Based

Probiotics encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the body. Many yogurts contain probiotics. Read the label to be sure that they contain live active cultures. Eating yogurt will encourage the growth of good bacteria in the body, which will overwhelm the bad bacteria. Many women have had success by applying plain yogurt (sugar will encourage the growth of bad bacteria) topically until a yeast infection is cured. Because this is messy, it be more comfortable to wear a pad after applying the yogurt.


Most health food stores sell probiotic supplements. These can be taken in pill form or as a powder that is mixed into liquid. Probiotics generally have no taste (unless they come flavored) and do a wonderful job of encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria in the body and fighting off a yeast infection.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a pleasant-smelling essential oil that has antibacterial properties. A solution of diluted tea tree oil can be applied directly to the vaginal area to treat a yeast infection. Adding a few drops of tea trea oil to a warm bath and soaking in it is another effective, and relaxing, treatment for yeast infection. Tea tree oil can be found in most health food stores or online.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, used topically, can help change the pH balance of the vaginal area to treat a yeast infection. Occasional application of apple cider vinegar can also be an effective treatment to prevent a yeast infection if you are prone to getting them.

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