What to Wear for Maternity Portraits
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What to Wear for Maternity Portraits

Professional maternity portraits capture the beauty of pregnancy that can be cherished for years. Children will enjoy looking at the pictures of themselves in mommy’s tummy. Choosing appropriate clothing to wear for maternity portraits can determine how well they turn out. If you feel comfortable in the attire you choose for your maternity portraits, it will show in the pictures.

Solid Colors

Black or white clothing is a classic choice. These colors allow you to take center stage in the photograph. They enable the photographer to create strong contrast between the clothing and the background color. Patterned clothing can be distracting and draw the attention when the portrait is viewed. Dark colors tend to be slimming in photographs. Lighter colors can have the opposite effect.


If your partner or other family members will join you in the maternity portraits, coordinate the color and style of clothing. Varying colors and styles of clothing will be distracting and will take away from the faces in the portrait. The end result may be a busy portrait that is not pleasing to the eye.

Bare Your Belly

Consider showing your belly in your maternity portraits. A shirt with buttons can easily be unbuttoned to bare part or all of your stomach. A loose-fitting shirt can also be lifted easily. If you prefer to keep your stomach covered, a tight-fitting shirt will accent the belly while keeping you covered.


If you’re comfortable with baring more of your body, consider simply draping a blanket or piece of fabric over parts of your body. This look can create some artistic shots.


The most important factor when deciding on the clothes to wear for maternity portraits is your comfort. The photography session should be a relaxing and fun experience. If you feel uncomfortable in your outfit, it may show in the maternity portraits.

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