How to Sleep to Keep Your Hair Straight
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How to Sleep to Keep Your Hair Straight

After a long day, you might feel tempted just to collapse into bed and fall asleep as soon as your head hits that soft pillow. If you have long hair, however, a few nights of this can leave you with one mess of a matted mane. Tangled hair is harder to deal with than almost any other “bad hair day” issue, so keeping your hair tangle-free from the beginning is worth the extra time investment. Fortunately, it only takes a few minutes of pre-sleep preparation to protect your locks.

Step 1

Switch from cotton to satin or silk pillowcases. Not only are satin or silk pillowcases sexier, they are also more slippery and your hair is less likely to tangle against such surfaces. Cotton, on the other hand, can create unnecessary friction, especially if you’re tossing and turning during the night.

Step 2

Slather your hair generously with your favorite deep conditioner a few minutes before going to bed. Place a silk or satin nightcap on your head before cozying up with your comforter for the evening; this may not look sexy if you’re sleeping beside a partner, but he might be so tired himself that he will not be worried about anything except how your hair looks during the day. You can skip the conditioning step and just use the silk or satin nightcap if you’re worried about waking up with globs of conditioner all over the bedding.

Step 3

Consider braiding your hair right before getting into bed, especially if your hair is unusually long. This kind of style restricts how much your hair can move, reducing the likelihood of “bed head” becoming a serious case of the mats.

Step 4

Place a big barrette in your hair if the idea of braiding your mane just sounds too exhausting.

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