3 mins read

Best and Worst Holiday Foods & Drinks

The parties and family functions offer unbelievably delicious foods that make your mouth water just thinking about them! But, just because the holidays are here doesnt mean you should throw out all of your hard work throughout the year. This year, with a little self-control and knowledge about the right choices, you can avoid the holiday bulge! Here are some of the best and worst holiday foods.

2 mins read

Vegetarian Meals for Thanksgiving

While turkey takes center stage on many Thanksgiving tables, vegetarians often opt to keep with their standard eating practices and enjoy a meatless Thanksgiving. A Thanksgiving that lacks meat does not have to mean a flavorless holiday. In reality, many meatless Thanksgiving components are packed with flavor and can provide a palate-pleasing Thanksgiving meal.

5 mins read

Vacation For One

Warm weather is on the horizon. This means parents are starting to think about ideas for a fun summer trip with the kids. The beach? Disney? Camping? But are any of you thinking instead: it would be nice to go on vacation…alone? One mom, Lauren Apfel, wrote about this vacation-for-one concept for the Washington Post.…