3 mins read

The Best Airlines and Hotel Chains for Baby Travel: What Every New Mom Should Know

Traveling with little ones is not easy. Anyone who tells you differently is delusional. Objections? Let me know below or, for the love of god, tell us your secrets! With summer travel in full swing, readers and friends alike have been asking me for the secrets to baby travel success. My answer: find people, services, devices, and a sense of humor to help ease the pain. Travel does not have to start with a negative.

3 mins read

Moms: Parent Yourself To Be A Better Divorced Parent

Some days can become emotionally charged triggers for a divorced mom. That's because divorce is a life-altering experience that takes its toll on your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Its ramifications not only turn your own world upside down but can also seriously affect your innocent children – a dire consequence every mother wants to…

8 mins read

Remembering September 11th – That Fateful Day

Today is a heavy day for many. I’m getting ready to head to Pepperdine University to visit the 9/11 Memorial and pray. I will never forget my close call that day. My children ask many questions, and my oldest knows how lucky we were to secure seats at on the first AA flight out of JFK. There are no ordinary moments. Here is my family’s story…

3 mins read

Autism and Flight Changes

My son used to have issues with unexpected changes. The unexpected would sometimes led to meltdowns. He just couldn't wrap his head around sudden change. Now that my child is a teenager, he has improved in that area. However, there was a time when an unexpected change would throw him. What happened? My son and…