6 mins read

What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up?

That was the question I asked 25 Grade 2 students this morning. And I got a gamut of answers, A businessman, a lawyer, a nurse, a doctor, a spy like my mom (hmmm okay), an opera singer (yes I laughed too), a celebrity (what career is that exactly?), a baseball player, a hockey player, go into my daddys business, a JUGGLER. OK great answers! Yes, I just left my sons school for Parents …

3 mins read

Are You Poisoning Your Child with Food Dyes?

Do you feed your child Froot Loops and other foods containing coloring and dyes? Then, you NEED to read the rest of this article. Weve always been told that food coloring is harmless and that it just makes foods look more appealing. But, in fact, it is a harmful poison that has the potential to damage your child in various ways, from neurological issues to cancer. These accusations come from a new research report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a non-profit consumer watchdog organization.