8 mins read

The Family Guide to Bug Bites 

Bug bites have been a persistent souvenir of outdoor activities throughout human history, and today, these pesky critters continue to trouble our families. It’s an all-too-familiar scene—your kids return from outdoor play, already scratching at fresh bug bites acquired in the backyard. To effectively deal with these nuisances, it’s essential to understand the distinct preferences and behaviors of common pests that leave us with itchy welts.

In this article, we’ll explore three of the most prevalent bloodsucking pests before delving into effective strategies to safeguard your family and home from these persistent invaders.

3 mins read

Take a Vacation! Here’s Why.

An ardent traveler named Joan spent most of her vacation sunbathing on the roof of her hotel. She wore a swimsuit the first day, but on the second she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.

6 mins read

Too Much TV?

Under a crushing book deadline, Ive noticed Ive gotten a wee bit lax about a few things. Along with the multiplying dust bunnies in every corner, too many take-out dinners, and the piling up of unpaid bills and unread magazines, theres been a slight relaxation of our family screen time rules. I cant entirely blame this on my book deadline.

3 mins read

5 Bug Bites to Watch Out For!

What’s red, blotchy, and itchy all over? The kids aren’t the only ones thathave come out to play this season. The bugs are out and with that comes the dreaded bug bites. We’re here to help! Though most bug bites areannoying, only some of them are really harmful and should be cautiouslylooked out for. Bug Bites That Really Bite