2 mins read

The Annual Exam That Could Save Your Life

The following post is sponsored by GenentechNow that the weather is heating up, at the top of every womans health and wellness to-do lists should be an annual exam at the dermatologist for herself and family.Moms often spend so much time ensuring their children have sunscreen that they fail to take care of themselves. Cheryl Stratos, 50-year-old mom living with advanced skin cancer is a reminder of why you should take action …

2 mins read

Gluten-Free Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp Recipe

Thank you so much for joining me 🙂 I have a tasty treat for you today! Let us first take a quick moment to feel deep gratitude for the sun, making todays dish both possible and full of flavor. We love you Sun!It thrills me to share with you a gluten and dairy-free recipe for Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp.Tart rhubarb paired with sweet strawberries, topped with a crispy crunch. Its a magical combination! Imagine …

15 mins read

When My Child With Autism Was Diagnosed With Cancer

This week I want to share a guest post from Jess Block Nerren. Her son has autism and was recently diagnosed with cancer. Here is her heartfelt story:Autism and pediatric cancer. Autism and Hodgkins Lymphoma. No matter how you say those two together, it sounds tough.My son Royce, 8, with autism was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma about 60 days ago, on March 3, 2014.We went to the hospital for back …

3 mins read

Fired-Up Fettuccine Carbonara Bake Made With Ragú

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! This one comes from Chelsea over at Crafty Chelsea, who put a twist onRag’sFettuccine Carbonara.One of my favorite things to eat, hands down, is pasta. I cook it at home all the time and even when we go out to eat I almost always order pasta. I just think it …

3 mins read

Double Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies [Dairy, Soy, Egg & Gluten-Free]

There is something so special about a sunny spring day! Glorious green color begins to pop up all around us. Plants are pushing through the earth, spring flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and a fresh sense of renewal lingers in the air. Its a truly magnificent feeling. Although it is later than usual this year, Easter is right around the corner and chocolate has been on my mind. Just writing the word chocolate …