3 mins read

Checklist for a First Aid Kit

When an emergency arises, you can never be too prepared. Having a well-stocked first aid kit can prevent tragedy and buy time when a loved one is injured. The following checklist includes all of the items that the Homeland Security’s Ready America program suggests for a first aid kit. Best of all, these items are readily available at any drug store or large retailer. 1. Adhesive Bandages

3 mins read

Toddler Rosacea

Few things are cuter than a rosy-cheeked toddler, but in some cases, those bright red cheeks may be the sign of a more serious underlying condition. Though it’s fairly rare, some toddlers can develop rosacea, a skin disorder more common in older people. Knowing how to recognize and treat this condition can help ensure that your child’s skin problem doesn’t become a major issue.