3 mins read

Make Your Own Green Bathroom Cleaning Products

I hate cleaning the bathroom. I am not proud to admit that I have actually gone months without doing it. Most of the time, I wait until we have company over and then I rush to do some last minute cleaning of the sink and toilet so that no one will judge me on my nasty bathroom.

4 mins read

6 Ways To Keep Your Child’s Bathroom Clean And Green

Want some great tips to help you keep your child’s bathroom free of harsh chemicals and toxic fumes. Try some of these ideas and green alternatives to help the environment and your little one! 1. Ditch the Liquid Soap Somewhere along the way liquid soap replaced good old fashioned bar soap, and we’re not sure why. What we do know is that bar soap lasts quite a bit longer and is a lot more eco-friendly with its packaging. The average bar soap is wrapped in a slip of paper or cardboard, which can be recycled or even better, composted.